Sydney Electrolysis Clinic: Method to Remove Hair Permanently.

Hello from the anonymous person who wrote this article. In the quest for permanent hair removal I have spent large sums of money over many years on many methods. I did not receive any lasting results from numerous sessions at numerous clinics with a variety of laser/lazer and IPL technology and settings. This was perhaps due to my fair complexion and fair hair.
On giving up on everything else I arrived at having treatment by electrolysis. After having sessions at numerous clinics it eventually worked for me. It worked for me when I found practitioners who were professional and dedicated to electrology. I did not achieve any good results from beauticians who dabbled with it; who, in hindsight, did not seem to really know what they were doing.
Over several years I had sessions at five Sydney electrolysis clinics and at four others in nearby Australian cities. I wanted large areas treated, so it took a fair while. I found three clinics that did particularly very good work and whom I’d recommend.
The successful results have made a tremendous positive difference to my confidence, happiness and life overall.
So, as part of my broader internet projects, this is my article about…

Permanent Hair Removal by Electrolysis in Sydney, Australia.

Are you concerned about unwanted hair growth? It is an issue that worries large numbers of women and men; distressed by unwanted hairs on their face and body areas. It can lead people to feelings of low self-esteem and depression. In many cases the hair growth is genetic and becomes most apparent during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. In other cases it may be an effect of medical drugs. For others a hormonal condition may be the underlying cause; like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

While there are many methods on the market that claim to reduce or remove unwanted hairs there is only one method that is recognised by official organizations – such as the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and the American Medical Association – to permanently remove hair and prevent it from growing back. That method is known as electrolysis.

As a result of permanent hair removal through electrolysis many people experience a transformation in their confidence and happiness.

Good Best Top Permanent Safe Effective Quality Hair Removal Sydney Australia Electrolysis Electrologists for Women Men Transgender Prices Reviews CBD Central Balmain Newtown Glebe Pyrmont Ultimo Annandale Leichhardt Rozelle Lilyfield Haymarket

Overview of Electrolysis:

Electrolysis is safe and effective when conducted by a well-trained and experienced electrologist. Electrolysis works for all kinds and colours of hair and skin colours. This is particularly good for fair-haired people who do not achieve good results through attempts at lazer and IPL hair removal.

Unlike temporary treatments like shaving and waxing the goal of electrolysis is permanent hair removal; to stop the hairs from growing in future. It does this by damaging the root follicle of unwanted hairs with an electric current.

There are several types of electrolysis. They are known mostly as Galvanic, Thermolysis and Blend.

1. Galvanic Electrolysis:

This method sends a DC (direct current) of electricity through a probe in to the follicle of the unwanted hair. The DC current in the follicle creates a chemical reaction that produces sodium hydroxide; also known as Lye. That destroys the follicle. Galvanic takes longer than other methods. It usually involves inserting multiple probes in to multiple follicles at the same time. The electrologist will assess the target hairs to work out the required current strength and the time that the probes are to be in the follicles. For lighter hairs it may be only for a few minutes. For coarse hairs it can require more than five minutes.

2. Thermolysis Electrolysis:

In this method an alternating current (AC) current of electricity is sent through the probe. This method is much faster for each hair. They are treated one by one with a hand-held probe. This method relies on the electrical heat to damage the follicle; to prevent future growth.

3. Blend Electrolysis:

The Blend method combines aspects of the Galvanic and Thermoloysis methods. Both AC and DC currents are sent through the probe. This is often considered to be the quickest, most comfortable and effective technique. It is also particularly good for curly hairs.

Safe Effective Methods Techniques for Getting Rid of Permanently Removing Epilating Unwanted Hairs on Face Lips Chin Eyebrows Cheeks Body legs armpits chest back shoulders Top Best Good Electrolysis Clinics in Sydney Australia Reviews can work when where Laser IPL technology fails Fair Blonde Red Haired people

Apilus Technology:

In recent times the Apilus electrolysis equipment has become widely recognised as the leading epilation technology – boosting efficiency and client comfort through pulses that are mere fractions of a second. The features of the Apilus computer system enable practitioners to be more precise with the treatments.

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Length of Treatment Course:

The amount of time required for successful electrolysis therapy depends on the size of the area and the characteristics of the hairs ie. size, strength, curvature.

It is important to know that because individual hairs go through several phases of development each area and each individual hair follicle will require repeat treatments for successful results. The hair growth cycle includes the anagen, catagen and telogen phases; anagen is the growth stage. To achieve results the hair follicle needs to be treated during that active anagen stage. Because of this cycle the long-term results of electrolysis are not immediate. It requires multiple sessions over several months in order to treat hairs when they are in the anagen phase.

Image Growth Cycles of Hairs Anagen Catagen Telogen Top Quality Recommended Methods to Remove Reduce Epilate Hair Permanently in Electrolysis Centre Clinics in Sydney Australian city suburbs Treatment for Female Male Clients Summer Hill Croydon Petersham Marrickville Lewisham Redfern Waterloo Eveleigh St Peters Darlington Alexandria Darling Harbour NSW

Treatment courses are created to fit the goals of each client. Therapy for a small area – like a chin or upper lip – can be as short as 10 minutes once a month for several months. Treatments for large areas – like chest or back – will require sessions of several hours, once a week or so, spread over several months. As the hairs become finer and less noticeable over time the frequency and length of appointments will decrease.

Electrologists – What to Look For:

There are many beauticians who have only a very basic training and experience with electrolysis. It is advisable to avoid them. For inexperienced practitioners can cause damage and scarring to your skin with little or no positive results. So look for someone whose sole or main focus is doing electrolysis. Have a consultation with them. Ask to see their qualifications. Ask about how long they have been working in this field. Ask about their hygiene practices. Regards hygiene they ought wear disposable gloves, use a different probe for each session and employ antiseptic wipes.

Sydney Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal Clinic Reviews Canberra Wollongong Newcastle NSW Clinics Safe Effective Good Treatment Prices Permanently Remove Unwanted Hairs Treat Body Face Armpits Arms Legs Back Transgender Friendly Clients Central City CBD Qualified Staff

Comfort During Treatments:

Some people may find the treatments painful. The electrologists you consult with can advise you about methods to improve the comfort levels during treatment. One of these is to use skin-numbing creams that are available from chemists (drug stores). A popular product is “Emla” which you apply an hour before a session and cover immediately with cling/glad wrap to help it numb the skin. They can also discuss the after-treatment care procedures that they recommend.

Price for Treatment:

As with other businesses the rate is usually charged per hour, or portions thereof. During your consultation you can ask for estimates of how many hours may be required to achieve your goals. Then multiply that by the hourly rate. As with any trade a cheaper hourly rate does not necessarily mean a lower overall cost if it all takes longer than it could with a more experienced practitioner.

Recommendation for Electrolysis in Sydney, Australia:

As stated earlier this article was composed by a client who has had treatments with more than 10 electrologists in Sydney and nearby cities, over the course of several years. The Sydney electrolysis clinic that I most highly recommend is “Nicolsons Electrolysis”. The experiences were always pleasant – with experienced staff, good hygiene, good conversations and good results. Going there enabled me to finally achieve the results I was looking for over so many years prior. The business is located in the city of Balmain, located in central south Sydney, NSW.

The website is and phone: 02 9555 7007.

Address Location: 172 Darling Street, Balmain, Sydney, NSW, 2041, Australia.

Related Links:

Nicolsons Electrolysis on Facebook.

LinkedIn: Nicolsons Sydney Electrolysis Clinic Page // Sydney Electrologist Page

A link to the youtube channel for this Sydney Electrolysis Clinic.

A slideshow clip from there titled: Sydney Electrolysis Clinic for Permanent Hair Removal.

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Nicolsons Electrolysis on Twitter.

Channel on DailyMotion –

Nicolsons Electrolysis Sydney – listing on ‘white pages’ website.

Electrolysis in Sydney – listing on ‘yellow pages’ website.

Hair Removal by Electrolysis in Sydney – listing on the ‘yelp’ website.

Electrolysis Hair Removal Clinic in Sydney Australia – listing on cylex business directory

Photos Electrolysis Sydney Australia Clinics Proven Top Effective Safe Authorised Methods Techniques to Permanently Get Rid of Remove Epilate Unwanted Hairs Hair Removal Top Best Good Works Blonde Red Fair Haired People Reviews Laser IPL technology Face Body Arms Legs Areas

Sydney Electrolysis Clinic – listing on hotfrog business directory

Sydney Electrolysis Hair Removal – some related images on pinterest.

Issuu PDF slideshow: Sydney Electrolysis Clinic